Chess tournaments are fun! Here are 9 chess tips you should know when playing in tournaments. Enjoy reading :).
Chess tournaments are fun! Here are 9 chess tips you should know when playing in tournaments. Enjoy reading :).
KEY TAKEAWAYS You must move or take a piece that you touch on your turn if you can legally move/take it. Say “I adjust” or “J’adoube” if you want to adjust a piece’s position in a square Always play touch move! It helps you develop planning and abstract thinking skills. Before you move, double check […]
There are 3 special moves in chess that might seem bizarre. Learn about the rules of castling, promotion, and en passant.
Knowing how to notate is required at every chess tournament. Learn all about notating, chess symbols, and electronic notation devices here.
Learn what to do if you set up the board incorrectly in a tournament game. Plus, there’s helpful tips to remember the correct way to set up the board.